World Veterinary Day at Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Udayana University 2024 with theme “One World, One Health: Veterinarians Leading Global Health Initiatives"

Sunday, April 28th, 2024, Veterinary Medicine (FVM) of Udayana University continued its events for World Veterinary Day (WVD) to commemorate World Veterinary Medicine Day. This year, WVD adopted the theme "One World, One Health: Veterinarians Leading Global Health Initiatives". The event was divided into two parts, there are Animal Health Services on April 21st, 2024, followed by and continued with the grand celebration which was held at the Gedung Widya Sabha, Udayana University on Sunday, April 28th, 2024. This peak day activity was attended by Vice President of the Perhimpunan Dokter Hewan Indonesia (PDHI) cabang Bali, Deputy Dean III FVM Unud, FVM Unud Student Senate, Udayana University students, and general public.

Like the previous years, various exciting and interesting competitions were held. Apart from Animal Health Services, pre-peak day activities are also filled with National Competition consisting of photography contests, video campaigns, and digital poster competitions which was attended by 51 participants from the general public, high school students and university students from all over Indonesia.

The peak day activity was filled with the Pet Contest event which was open to all students and the general public. The Pet Contest held included a Pet Fashion Show like the previous year and Pet Intelligence Competition which was chosen to avoid the chaos experienced in last year's Pet Eating Contest. So far, the animals competing in this WVD Grand Celebration are limited to dogs and cats only, but in the future, it may expand in line with participants interests.

The audience is enthusiasm was evident throughout the event. Despite many dogs and cats experiencing stage fright, their cute makeup and actions successfully captivated the audience, leaving them in awe. Not only the participants, but also some of the attending audience members brought their beloved pets. Animals allowed to enter during the event had already met several requirements, such as wearing pet leashes for safety.

This WVD Peak Day celebration was also enlivened by the presence of booths from professional interests at FVM Unud, including Rothschildi, Turtle Guard, Pet Learning Organization (P-LO), Veterinary Holic (Vetholic), Veterinary Science Club (Vesica), and Suluh. There were also several animal foundations from outside FVM Unud who participated by opening booths, such as Golden Exotic Pet and Owl Tower Bali. Each booth offers various things, from displays of animals such as reptiles, aquatic animals and beloved animals, to displays of games with various attractive prizes. The WVD Peak Day celebration became even more lively with the appearance of the Vetro Voice FVM Unud.

Overall, WVD 2024 activities were welcomed with high enthusiasm by students and the community. Everyone seemed to be enjoying the series of events and exploring the various booths available.The event proceeded smoothly until the announcement of winners and the closing ceremony, which was well received by the attending audience.

Author: Cok Is LPM SS