Student Life
Besides academic activities, students are also encouraged to join students organizations. By joining these organizations students will have the chance to improve their soft skills in the aspects of leadership, negotiation, diplomacy, management, decision making, etc. Listed below are students organizations within the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Udayana University:
- Student Executives Board
- Student Representatives Board
- Organization of Student Press and Journalists
Organisasi Kemahasiswaan berupa Minat Profesi (Minpro Mahasiwa) yang berada dibawah BEM FKH.
1. Minpro Veterinary Holic
2. Minpro P-Lo
3. Minpro Vesica
4. Minpro Rothschildi
5. Minpro Suluh
6. Minpro Turtle Guard
Organisasi Kemahasiswaan berupa Minat Bakat
1. VEC (Veteriner English Club)