A strategic plan is an academic document that is used as a reference in determining operational steps to achieve the desired goals. The 2020-2024 FKH Unud Strategic Plan contains minimum benchmarks that must be met in education management for both undergraduate education programs and professional education programs so that later they can compete and achieve the desired vision. The strategic plan, which is part of the milestones for FKH Unud, was designed over a 5 year period as a further elaboration of the 2020-2024 Unud Strategic Plan at the Faculty level as stated in Udayana University Chancellor's regulation No. 8 of 2020. Apart from that, the FKH Strategic Plan was also prepared based on the limitations as stated in the Faculty General Guidelines Book in accordance with Chancellor's Decree No. 0378/UN14.2.9/PD/2018.
Please download information regarding the FKH Strategic Plan for 2020-2024 on this link.