The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Australia Holds Health Care Services for Abandoned Dogs and Cats at Udayana University Veterinary Teaching Hospital
The world needs veterinary professionals. Not only because animals need vets, but because humans themselves are social creatures. Veterinarians are selfless individuals. An attentive, loving vet who will stop at nothing to make sure his pet is well.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, it is still important to ensure that all pets are healthy. The dreaded Corona virus is not a new word for veterinary professionals, but COVID-19 is one that no one expected. Therefore, we naturally pay attention to the owners of affected animals.
In order to ease the burden on affected animal owners, Udayana Veterinary Teaching Hospital (VTH), in collaboration with Animal Australia, held services in the form of emergency handling of pets free of charge from February to 30 June 2022. In the statement of Cooperation Animal Australia was represented by Drh. Sasadara Msi, as the representative of Animal Australia Bali and Prof. Dr. drh. Nyoman Suartha, M.Si Dean of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FVM), and Prof. Dr. drh. I Ketut Puja, M.Si As the director of Udayana Veterinary Teaching Hospital.
In his remarks, the Dean of FVM, Prof Nyoman Suartha expressed his gratitude to Animal Australia for being willing to continue this collaboration again. This collaboration is very instrumental in improving student competence and providing a training place for learning. Prof. Nyoman Suartha hopes that this collaboration will not end here but will continue in other fields. Drh Sasadara, M.Si as the representative of Animal Australia Bali said that this collaboration is a form of Animal Australia's concern for animal welfare in Bali. Animal Australia remains committed to helping FVM in terms of participating in animal welfare campaigns. Furthermore, Drh Sasadara said that Animal Australia is also designing a new partnership in the field of education in the community related to responsible pet care.
Prof. Puja, the director of VTH Udayana, welcomed the programs that have been realized and those that are currently being designed. Prof. Puja said that the program in this agreement is that the VTH helps the affected animal keeping community to get services, both basic and advanced services, for free at Udayana VTH. The service is prioritized in medical emergencies but other diseases are still being considered for assistance. For people who need this service, they can contact the admin of VTH Udayana every day from February to the end of June 2022. Prof. Puja also explained that although this service is provided free of charge, VTH does not differentiate between free and paid services, VTH still provides quality services.