Strengthening Synergy, FKH Udayana Benchmarking to FKH Gadjah Mada

The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University (FVM UNUD) held a benchmarking visit to FVM Gadjah Mada University (UGM) to measure and compare institutional management in the fields of development and internationalization. The FVM UNUD delegation was led by the Dean Prof. Dr. drh. I Nyoman Suartha with the Vice Deans, Study Program Coordinators, Unit Heads, Ethical Clearance Team, and FVM UNUD Administration. Dean of FVM UGM Prof. drh. Teguh Budipitojo, M.P., Ph.D. and his staff received a visit from FVM UNUD. Apart from development and internationalization, this benchmarking is focused on the management of Legal Entity State University Institutions, Veterinary Teaching Hospitals (VTH), and Ethical Clearance (EC). The visit was held from Wednesday (18/10) to Friday (20/10).


Development and internationalization were the opening topics for discussion. For both institutions, internationalization is considered important to increase higher education involvement in international scale activities. This can improve the institution's ranking on the world stage. If that is the goal, then funding can be allocated to things that can more significantly improve the quality of education, such as improving infrastructure, renovating laboratories, and increasing research funding. Opening international classes, collaborating with foreign universities in the form of joint research, opening student exchange programs, as well as international scientific publications, are real efforts towards world class. Improving the quality of education in a more tangible way must still be prioritized rather than just internationalization. The discussion continued as a panel and focused on each topic including the management of Legal Entity State University Institutions, VTH, and EC institutions which were held in separate rooms.

Gadjah Mada University as a Legal Entity State University Institutions has autonomy in managing higher education which is fully managed by UGM. Gadjah Mada University has full rights to carry out activities in the academic field and in its domestic affairs. The UGM Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is one of the units under UGM. The Human Resources (HR) owned by FVM UGM are ASN employees and permanent university employees. Resources who are appointed as permanent university employees are human resources who have certain abilities and duties, while resources who are not appointed as permanent university employees are drivers, security guards and cleaning staff. To facilitate the duties and functions of the financial manager (Treasurer), the Treasurer's HR is an ASN and has a competency certificate in this field. With the change in status to Legal Entity State University Institutions, at UGM there has been a change in nomenclature for certain positions. Permanent university employees are paid by the university and the procurement of permanent university employees is adjusted to the university's ability to pay.

Sources of funds at FVM UGM come from Single Tuition Fee, business units, collaborations, and many others. Single Tuition Fee at UGM consists of two types, namely Single Tuition Fee for Superior Education and Single Tuition Fee for Subsidized Superior Education. Single Tuition Fee determination at UGM is based on the economic capabilities of the parents or the person responsible for the student's education costs. Economic capabilities are evaluated based on documents uploaded by prospective students after being declared accepted and re-registering.

Apart from Single Tuition Fee, funding sources at FVM UGM also come from the Veterinary Teaching Hospital (VTH). Prof. Veterinary Teaching Hospital Soeparwi has an organizational structure consisting of a Director, Deputy Director, Administration, Veterinarian and Paramedic. Apart from providing services to clients as an income generator (profit unit), RSHP prioritizes education management and supports the implementation of Veterinary Professional Education, namely VTH management Veterinary Professional Education (education unit).



The most frequent obstacle is coordination between doctors. Doctors at VTH come from contract doctors and FVM UGM lecturers, especially those who serve as VTH doctors. Apart from that, Veterinary Professional Education VTH management was completely handed over to VTH which resulted in management being overwhelmed. The activation of departments/laboratories for sample examination, the existence of a laboratory animal unit for research services using laboratory animals, and acupuncture services are provided to support the implementation of Veterinary Professional Education.

Basic services and operations of VTH Prof. Soeparwi is the Chancellor's Decree of 2006 concerning the formation of Veterinary Hospital, the Operational Decree of 2009 concerning service permits. Directors, deputy directors, veterinarians and veterinary paramedics have permits. Likewise with pharmacist assistants. Prof. Veterinary Teaching Hospital Soeparwi also manages a Veterinary Pharmacy, where pharmacists come from pharmacy graduates.

On the other hand, FVM UGM has an EC to guarantee ethical suitability in the form of a written statement provided by the Research Ethics Commission for research involving living creatures and stating that a research proposal is worthy of implementation after meeting certain requirements. Ethical Clearance FVM UGM started in 2017, initially starting from LPPT UGM. The output of the proposal is that it meets the procedures for using experimental animals and is in accordance with animal welfare principles.

The meeting which discussed institutional management in the field of development and internationalization between FVM Gadjah Mada University and FVM Udayana University was an unforgettable experience and sparked a sense of positive competition for the development of veterinary education, especially in Indonesia. In the end, FVM Udayana University and FVM Gadjah Mada University agreed to improve the quality of education and human resources through development and internationalization as stated in a Cooperation Agreement. The Benchmarking activity was closed by exchanging souvenirs and taking group photos.