Senate Meeting II SM-FVM Udayana University

Student Press Institute Suara Satwa - On Monday, July 11 2022, the Student Senate (SS)- Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FVM) Udayana Senate Meeting II activity was held online through Cisco Webex meeting platform and broadcasted live on the Instagram of DPM FVM Udayana. This agenda was attended by the Dean of Faculty of Veterinary of Udayana University, functionaries of the student senate, BEM, DPM, and LPM SS, the Chair of the Minpro, along with some Udayana FVM student representatives. The purpose of holding this meeting is to evaluate the performance of the senate which has been carried out for 180 working days (Q1 & Q2), and expected to be a reference for future activities, as well as revising the agenda for future activities. 


The meeting began with opening by the MC and remarked by the Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University, Prof. Dr. drh. I Nyoman Suartha, M.Sc. After that, the meeting continued with the presentation of the results of the questionnaire on evaluating the activities and performance of the student senate from BEM, DPM, and LPM SS. Based on this explanation, overall, each student senate received a lot of positive responses from students where most of the students were satisfied with the performance of the senate itself. Besides that, of course, there are also a number of criticisms, suggestions and responses from students regarding the performance of the Udayana FVM student senate. 

For the Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa, it was stated that a number of students felt that they had not really felt the performance of BEM as an executive board. In addition, there are things that hinder their professional interest, financial transparency and their work programs. Furthermore, the Lembaga Pers Mahasiswa Suara Satwa received lots of questions regarding their role, function, and benefits of this press institution for students, as well as issues of magazine distribution. Lastly for Dewan Perwakilan Mahasiswa, several inputs were found regarding their lack of performance in solving student problems with the faculty and their relationship between Faculty DPM and DPM-PM. 


After the presentation of the questionnaire, the agenda continued to a discussion session. In this session, each senate provided clarifications, responses, and solutions to the problems that were summarized in the questionnaire. Time was also given to the meeting attendees to provide questions or input related to the performance of each senate. The atmosphere of this discussion session heated up as there was an argument between LPM SS functionaries and BEM FVM Udayana functionaries. Apart from this, the discussion session went well and smoothly. 

The next activity is the presentation of activity reports that have been carried out for 180 working days by providing an explanation of the activities and obstacles that occur in the activities that have taken place. DPM explained about the questionnaire and the senate meeting that was held today. BEM explained about the activities that have been carried out, both the BEM work program and Minpro activities. LPM SS explained the quarterly meetings that have been conducted, issues regarding magazines, and obstacles that occur during its events. The 180 working day report aims to make every student aware of what each senate has done, to increase the synergy of collaboration between the senate, and to minimize misunderstandings among the student senate of FVM Udayana.

The next discussion is regarding the ratification of the event dates of the changed activities. The ratification of the date change that occurs requires the approval of the three senators. This date change includes the open recruitment of the FVM student senate, a series of activities from the senate, and Minpro activities. 

With the implementation of the II SM-FVM Meeting, it is hoped that it can provide a better change for the three senate and to strengthen relations between the senate through synergy and collaboration.  

Author: Wanda and Stevanny - LPM Suara Satwa