Senate Meeting I SM-FKH Unud 2025, Embracing New Year with a New Spirit



The Student Senate of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (SM-FKH) Udayana University (Unud) held its first Senate Meeting of the year on Tuesday, January 28, 2025. The meeting was being held online via Cisco Webex Meetings and it was officially opened by the Dean of FKH Unud, Prof. Dr. drh. I Nyoman Suartha, M. Si., and it was attended by the Core Management and Activity Chairperson of SM-FKH Unud, including representatives from the Student Representative Council (DPM), the Student Executive Board (BEM), the Student Press Institute (LPM) Suara Satwa, Semi-Autonomous Bodies (BSO), and all activity leaders within the FKH Unud community.

The first Senate Meeting is an annual agenda organized by the DPM FKH Unud at the beginning of the administration period. This year's theme, "Sinergi dalam Harmoni, Bersatu untuk Kemajuan, Bergerak untuk Perubahan," aims to initiate coordination among senate members to align activity schedules and performance within SM-FKH Unud.

The agenda included presentations of work programs from each SM-FKH Unud institution to serve as the basis for progress and accomplishments. Key discussions focused on introducing elected activity leaders, deciding activity dates, and briefly explaining each scheduled activity. The presentations outlined the programs to be executed over the coming year, revealing 10 programs from the DPM, 22 from the BEM, and 5 from the LPM Suara Satwa. Meanwhile, the BSO is divided into two sections, there are professional interests (Minpro) with 52 programs, and talents and interests (MB) with 5 programs.


The meeting continued with a discussion session to confirm and adjust activity schedules, to prevent overlapping events. Overlapping schedules were promptly rescheduled by mutual agreement. Adjusting the activity schedule also takes quite a long time.


The event concluded with the reading and signing of the Memorandum of Understanding for the 2025 Organizational Management Training (DMO), which established the DMO as a regular collaborative work program at the start of the administration. Administrative responsibilities, including proposals, correspondence, and accountability reports, fall under the purview of the three senates. This year, the position of Chair of the DMO Committee is held by one of the BEM FKH Unud functionaries. The source funding for the DMO activities is from contributions from the three senates and accountability reports submitted to SM-FKH Unud and the FKH Unud Dean's Office. 

Unaddressed matters in the memorandum will be further discussed in the future. The Memorandum of Understanding for DMO was signed by Amira Inas Wibowo as President of DPM FKH Unud, Putu Surya Pratama Putra as President of BEM FKH Unud, and Mia Kosasih as General Leader of LPM Suara Satwa FKH Unud.

The first Student Senate Meeting went well, despite some participants experiencing connection issues during the meeting. All attendees participated attentively, and all arranged schedules and work programs will encourage synergy and harmony within SM-FKH Unud throughout the year.


"The Senate Meeting I event went smoothly according to the intended agenda. The participants actively contributed during the discussions, minimizing, and eliminating schedule clashes for SM-FKH Unud activities. Hopefully, this meeting will make campus schedules more structured, dynamic, and supportive of the ultimate development of FKH student activities," said the Chief of the Senate Meeting I Committee, Komang Rika Utami Darmayanthi Pande.

Author : Gheriya Rahima Daris LPM SS

Editor : Dewi Titis Angganingrum LPM SS