Lecture FVM Udayana University Gave Training Facilitator for Disease Investigation in Cattle at Mandalika University NTB.

On Saturday, February 24 2024, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Mandalika Mataram Education University (UNDIKMA) held training activities to strengthen Veterinary Student Learning Materials for Prevention, Mitigation and handling of livestock disease outbreaks in the cattle farming sector in Indonesia. The event which was held at the Fave Hotel Mataram was officially opened by the Deputy Chancellor 1 of Undikma, namely Dra. Ni Ketut Alit Suarti, M.Pd . This event takes place from 08:00 WIT to 17:00 WIT. There were 32 participants who took part in this activity who were FVM UNDIKMA students in semester 8. The facilitator for this activity was Dr. drh Kholik M.vet who is also the dean of FVM Undikma and drh. I Wayan Sukernayasa, M.Si from FVM UNUD, apart from that there was also a resource person for the Ishiknas material, namely Drh. Muslih from the NTB Ishiknas team.


This training, apart from being filled with theory, pre-test and post-test, is also filled with direct practice in the classroom, such as practicing using PPE, as well as practicing scoring matrices in carrying out initial disease investigations. This training activity was held in collaboration between the Association of Indonesian Veterinary Medicine Faculties (AFVMI) and the Indonesia Australia Red Meat and Cattle Partnership (IARMCP) which is also the main donor of this activity. The aim of this activity for students is so that in the future they will have the ability and attitude to be responsive to outbreaks in their work environment, so that the outbreak can be quickly resolved before it spreads. The material for this training includes the implementation of one health, the initial stages of outbreak investigation, biosecurity and sampling and Ishiknas. Therefore, the facilitator who provides this material must have a TOT (training of trainer) certificate in terms of outbreak investigations. According to Drh. I Wayan Sukernayasa, M.Si was the facilitator of this activity because he had participated in TOT activities for livestock disease outbreak investigations carried out by AFVMI in Yogyakarta and had also been a facilitator for livestock disease outbreak investigation training activities for frontline veterinary medical personnel in Bali Province and NTB. "I was invited to UNDIKMA by the dean of UNDIKMA (Dr. drh. Kholik, M.Vet) because he is a training facilitator on disease outbreaks in the cattle sector from FVM Unud who already has a TOT certificate from AFVMI and has been a facilitator at training activities in Bali and Lombok, and in the future it is hoped that there will be institutional collaboration between FVM UNDIKMA and FVM UNUD," said the Veterinary Reproduction lecturer.


This training event was very interesting because the students who attended also had experience dealing with the Foot and Mouth Disease outbreak in Lombok. At the event, Mrs. Deputy Chancellor 1 UNDIKA and Mr. Dean of FVM UNDIKMA gave their thanks to Drh. I Wayan Sukernayasa, M.Si for agreeing to be present as a facilitator to share knowledge with FVM UNDIKMA students.