Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University Organizes Provision of Veterinary Profession Program Students February 2023 Period
The Udayana University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (FVM UNUD) organizes debriefing activities for students of the Veterinary Profession Program (VPP). A total of 50 students registered and entered Batch 22 VPP FVM UNUD. This activity was carried out for three days from 13 February to 15 February 2023 which was located in the Meeting Room Floor 1 of the FVM UNUD.
The event began with an opening by the Dean of FVM UNUD, Prof. Dr. drh. I Nyoman Suartha, M.Sc. Prof. Suartha welcomed new students of VPP FVM UNUD Batch 22. “Study well and diligently, so that you can complete your studies on time. So that in the future they will become professional and qualified veterinarians, and uphold their beloved alma mater, FVM UNUD.” said the Dean. The Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) for each laboratory and block must be observed and implemented. Students of Veterinary Profession Program assignments will be more numerous and accompanied by a short time. The leadership of FVM UNUD expects all students to pass the final exams, both the Veterinary Study Final Exam (VSFE) and the Veterinary Profession Program Student Competency Exam (VPPSCE) with satisfactory grades.
The event continued with an explanation by the Coordinator of the Veterinary Profession Program FVM UNUD, Prof. Dr. drh. I Made Dwinata, M. Kes. Prof. Dwinata informed that the latest VPP students study period is 6 semesters, with a standard time of 3 semesters. The stages of VPP include debriefing, co-assistance and exams in each laboratory, as well as final exams. Students of Veterinary Profession Program must attend every meeting in each block. Before proceeding to the next block, students must have completed the exam in the previous block.
"Data in the Higher Education Database please take care of it immediately, because it will affect the graduation process and the issuance of certificates later." said the Vice Dean 1 FVM UNUD. Dr. Sudisma emphasized to students to focus on VPP first, not to be easily distracted by odd jobs outside of VPP. The faster completing VPP, the better, because it will impact the institution.
The event continued with debriefing by each block which included Surgery, Veterinary Public Health (VPH), Reproduction, Laboratory Diagnostics Co-Assistant, Receptors, Interns, Hospitals, and Field Work Practices. In addition to the debriefing by each block, the Indonesian Veterinary Association and Institutional Partners, in this case PT. Intervet Indonesia also contributed to providing material to VPP FVM UNUD students. An in-depth study regarding the Law and Ethics of Veterinarians was given directly by the Chairperson of the Bali Branch of Indonesian Veterinary Association, Prof. Dr. I Ketut Puja, M.Kes., while PT. Intervet Indonesia through drh. Marcel Pasaribu provides material related to veterinarians in the company, especially in the field of marketing and the field. “The importance of having balanced soft skills and hard skills in the world of work. There are many challenges for veterinarians in the field and in marketing later that must be solved by communicating and practicing with customers." said drh. Marcel.
Students of Veterinary Profession Program FVM UNUD were very enthusiastic and excited about participating in the VPP debriefing activities, and they couldn't wait to start VPP activities in their respective blocks. The debriefing of VPP FVM UNUD students went smoothly and successfully.