Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University held Judisium and Inauguration of Veterinarians 12 April 2023
Like the previous period, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University (FKH Unud) held a Judisium and Inauguration of Veterinarians for the April 2023 period, at the Ballroom of the Grand Santhi Hotel, Jalan Patih Jelantik, Denpasar. The Yudisium and Inauguration activity was attended by the Chairperson of the FKH Senate, Dean, Deputy Deans, Study Program Coordinators, Unit Heads, Laboratory Heads, Sub-coordinators in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Udayana University. Bali Branch, Chair of the Udayana University Veterinary Alumni Association, Representative of the Denpasar Veterinary Center, Representative of the Head of the Bali Agricultural Quarantine Center, Representative of the Head of the Denpasar Agricultural Technology Study Center, Representative of the Denpasar Superior Livestock Breeding Center, Representative of the Head of the Bali Provincial Agriculture Service, Head of the Agriculture and District Food Badung, Representative of the Head of the Animal Health Sector of the Denpasar City Agriculture Service, Representative from PT. Charoen Pockpand, PT, Wonokoyo. The number of graduates who took part in this activity were: 1 Master of Veterinary Medicine graduate, 27 Veterinary Medicine graduates and 17 Veterinary Medicine Bachelor graduates.
The event began with a prayer reading which was then continued with the report of the Deputy Dean for Academic and Planning FKH Dr. drh. I Gusti Ngurah Sudisma, M.Sc. Dr. Sudisma conveyed that the number of yudisium participants was 45 people consisting of 1 person in the Masters Program, 27 people in the professional program, and 17 people in the undergraduate program. Until now, the number of veterinary graduates from Udayana Faculty of Veterinary Medicine since 1987 is 2725 people. The highest GPA for the Masters program is 3.98 (with honors) and the lowest GPA is 3.98 (very satisfactory), the average GPA is 3.98. Based on the length of study for the master of veterinary medicine, graduate on time 4 semesters 100%. The highest GPA for the veterinary profession program is 3.76 and the lowest is 3.36 with an average of 3.65. With the title of passing is with praise 4%, very satisfying 84%, and satisfying 7% and 7% sufficient. Based on length of study, the veterinary profession, graduating on time (3 semesters) is 85%, passing 4 semesters is 4%, passing 6 semesters is 4% and graduating 8 semesters is 7%. The highest GPA for the bachelor of veterinary medicine was 3.95, the lowest GPA was 3.14 and the average GPA was 3.82. based on study time of 7 semesters (82%) and 9 semesters (12%) and 15 semesters (6%). With the title of passing is with praise 53%, very satisfying 41%, and satisfying 7%.
The event continued with the inauguration and swearing in of veterinarians by the Dean. At the time of taking the oath, the veterinarians are accompanied by clergy from each religion professed by the sworn veterinarians. There was something special about the inauguration and swearing in of veterinarians for the April 2023 period which was attended by 5 clergymen from official religions in Indonesia, namely Islamic clergy, clergy, Protestant Christian, Catholic clergy, clergy, Hindu and Buddhist clergy. The reading of the code of ethics for the veterinary profession was carried out after the inauguration and swearing in of the veterinarians was read by the chairman of the Bali branch of PDHI (Prof. Dr. Drh. I Ketut Puja, M.kes). the event then continued with the submission of transcripts and graduation medals by the Dean, accompanied by the chairman of the senate, vice deans and study program coordinators.
In his remarks, the Dean of FKH Unud congratulated the graduation participants for having successfully completed their education. Prof. Suartha also congratulated the parents of the graduates because the success of the graduates in completing their education could not be separated from the support of their parents. Bliau also hoped that the graduates would allow FKH UNUD to take part in the national and international arena. To the graduates of the veterinary profession, “that this is the beginning for veterinarians to carry out their profession by adhering to the oath and code of ethics of veterinarians by equipping themselves with a license to practice. For graduate students of the veterinary medicine program who are graduated to continue to the veterinary profession program so they can achieve a veterinary degree so they can carry out veterinary medical procedures, similarly for graduate students of veterinary medicine to resume their profession. To all graduates to join the IKAYANA alumni association.
The event continued with the inauguration and swearing in of veterinarians by the Dean. At the time of taking the oath, the veterinarians are accompanied by clergy from each religion professed by the sworn veterinarians. There was something special about the inauguration and swearing in of veterinarians for the April 2023 period which was attended by 5 clergymen from official religions in Indonesia, namely Islamic clergy, clergy, Protestant Christian, Catholic clergy, clergy, Hindu and Buddhist clergy. The reading of the code of ethics for the veterinary profession was carried out after the inauguration and swearing in of the veterinarians was read by the chairman of the Bali branch of PDHI (Prof. Dr. Drh. I Ketut Puja, M.kes). the event then continued with the submission of transcripts and graduation medals by the Dean, accompanied by the chairman of the senate, vice deans and study program coordinators.
In his remarks, the Dean of FKH Unud congratulated the graduation participants for having successfully completed their education. Prof. Suartha also congratulated the parents of the graduates because the success of the graduates in completing their education could not be separated from the support of their parents. Bliau also hoped that the graduates would allow FKH UNUD to take part in the national and international arena. To the graduates of the veterinary profession, “that this is the beginning for veterinarians to carry out their profession by adhering to the oath and code of ethics of veterinarians by equipping themselves with a license to practice. For graduate students of the veterinary medicine program who are graduated to continue to the veterinary profession program so they can achieve a veterinary degree so they can carry out veterinary medical procedures, similarly for graduate students of veterinary medicine to resume their profession. To all graduates to join the IKAYANA alumni association.
The event was continued with remarks and message impressions from representatives of the graduation participants I Gede Sastra Darma Yasa, S.KH., who expressed their gratitude for the knowledge and experience that had been given and the facilities in achieving all of this to the FKH Unud academic community. Also thank the parents of the graduates for their continuous support and prayers. Apart from that, he also apologized if there were any mistakes in thoughts, words or actions while participating in academic activities at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine UNUD. The event continued with remarks from representatives of graduate parents, namely Mr. Yohanis Anggung Praing as the parent of the graduate drh. Ambu Yambu Praing, S.KH., M.Sc. As parents, he would like to express his gratitude to the faculty leaders, lecturers and educational staff at Udayana University for patiently guiding and educating our son and daughter so that they can achieve good graduation. The graduation ceremony for the master of veterinary medicine, graduation for the bachelor of veterinary medicine and the inauguration of veterinarians took place smoothly. The event ended by taking a group photo (O.).