Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Udayana University (FKH Unud) held a yudisium, Inauguration, and Oath of Veterinarian Doctor for the February 2025 Period


The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Udayana University (FKH Unud) held the Graduation Ceremony, Inauguration, and Oath-taking of Veterinarian Doctors for the February 2025 period on Thursday, February 20, 2025. The event took place in person at the Nusantara Room, 4th Floor, Agrokompleks Building, Udayana University, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar.


The event was attended by the Chairman of the Indonesian Veterinary Association (PDHI) Bali Branch, the Head of the Bali Provincial Agriculture and Food Security Office, as well as the Head of the Badung Regency Agriculture and Food Office, Head of the Badung Regency Animal Health Division, Head of the Denpasar City Agriculture Office, and Head of the Denpasar City Animal Health Division. Additionally, the Head of the Denpasar Veterinary Center, the Head of the Denpasar Class I Agricultural Quarantine Office, the Head of the Agricultural Technology Assessment and Development Institute (BPTP), and the Head of the Denpasar Livestock Breeding and Forage Center (BPTU-HPT) were also present. From the academic community, the Dean of FKH Unud, Vice Deans II and III, the Senate Chair, as well as the Coordinator of the Veterinarian Profession Program (PPDH), the Coordinator of the Information and Cooperation Management Unit (UPIKS), the Coordinator of the Research and Community Service Unit (UP2M), representatives from the Udayana University Alumni Association (IKAYANA), the Vice Chair of the FKH Unud Student Executive Board (BEM), and the Chief Editor of LPM Suara Satwa FKH Unud also attended. The event inaugurated 60 participants, consisting of 55 veterinary doctor graduates and 5 others who officially graduated as veterinary medicine bachelor’s degree holders.


The event was officially opened by the Dean of FKH Unud, Prof. Dr. drh. I Nyoman Suartha, M.Si., followed by a report presented by the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning, represented by the Vice Dean for General Affairs and Finance of FKH Unud, Dr. drh. Luh Gde Sri Surya Heryani, M.Biomed. She reported that to date, FKH Unud has produced 2,954 veterinary doctor graduates. The highest GPA among the Veterinary Medicine Bachelor graduates for the February 2025 period is 3.74, while the lowest is 3.16, with an average GPA of 3.4. Meanwhile, the highest GPA among the Veterinarian Profession Program graduates for the February 2025 period is 3.93, with the lowest at 3.42 and an average of 3.70. Of the total Veterinarian Profession Program graduates, 73% achieved a "Very Satisfactory" designation, 20% graduated with "Honors," and 7% received a "Satisfactory" grade. The highest GPA in the Veterinarian Profession Program was achieved by drh. Ni Putu Dewi Setia Sari, S.K.H., while in the Veterinary Medicine Bachelor program, it was earned by Luh Andrea Calista Arsaningrat, S.K.H.


The event continued with the inauguration and oath-taking of the veterinary doctors by the Dean of FKH Unud, followed by the signing of the Oath and Pledge of Veterinary Doctors. During the oath-taking ceremony, the graduates were accompanied by religious leaders from each respective religion, including Islam, Protestant Christianity, Catholicism, and Hinduism. After the inauguration and oath-taking, the Chairman of the Bali PDHI Branch, drh. I Dewa Made Anom, read the Veterinary Code of Ethics. The event then proceeded with the handing over of transcripts, the Oath and Pledge of Veterinary Doctors, and the presentation of graduation medals by the Dean of FKH Unud, accompanied by the Vice Deans, the Senate Chair, and the Coordinator of the Veterinary Profession Program (PPDH) of FKH Unud. Following this, the graduation ceremony for the Veterinary Medicine Bachelor program symbolized the official recognition of the academic achievements of the veterinary doctor and veterinary medicine bachelor graduates.


The event continued with several agendas, namely giving impressions and messages from representatives of veterinary graduates who were officially inaugurated, namely drh. I Dewa Putu Bagus Mertha Anom, S.K.H. He thanked the lecturers for their guidance and dedication, so that they officially held the title of veterinarian. In addition, he also expressed his hope to his colleagues so that in the future they can continue to be compact and fight together to achieve success in the future. Not only the delivery of impressions and messages from the participants, the parents also conveyed their impressions of the message represented by one of the graduates' parents, followed by impressions and messages from parent representatives. On this occasion, the parent representatives expressed their gratitude to FKH Unud for giving their children the opportunity to pursue knowledge, so that they were declared graduated to become veterinarians who would later be able to be dedicated to maintaining animal health and welfare. The Dean of FKH Unud also expressed his hope that the graduates would continue to increase their potential and be dedicated in pursuing a career as a veterinarian.


The event concluded with the presentation of awards to the best graduates, drh. Ni Putu Dewi Setia Sari, S.K.H., and Resinta Delia Rahmadani, S.K.H., by the Dean of FKH Unud. Following this, the new veterinarians were officially handed over to PDHI, marked by the symbolic wearing of the sneli by the Chairman of the Bali PDHI Branch, as well as the handover of alumni to IKAYANA. The event also included the presentation of a memento from the graduate representatives to the Dean of FKH Unud, congratulatory remarks to the graduates who were officially inaugurated as veterinarians or received their veterinary medicine bachelor degrees, and a group photo session. Although the event started later than the scheduled time, the entire series of activities ran smoothly.

Author: Anindytia LPM SS

Editor: Ocha LPM SS