Denpasar, LPM SS - A total of approximately 150 new students participated in the 2022 PKKMB activity of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University which was held in the Meeting Room, Lt. 4 Student Center Building, Udayana University. This activity lasts for two days, August 10–11, 2022. PKKMB 2022 FKH Unud carries an interesting theme, namely "Building Loyal, Independent, and High Achievement Young Veterinary Characters Towards a Professional, Ethical, and Cultured Generation." The meaning of the theme is to make new students grow loyal and independent characters and excel to become veterinarians who later have a professional spirit based on ethics and culture.

Based on the PKKMB 2022 Guidebook, PKKMB or Introduction to Campus Life for new students is a vehicle to prepare new students through the transition process to become mature and independent students and accelerate the process of adapting students to a new environment and providing provisions for their success in pursuing higher education.

The PKKMB 2022 FKH Unud activity was opened directly by the Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University, Prof. Dr. drh. I Nyoman Suartha, M.Sc., which was symbolically carried out by distributing the participant's name tags to two new student representatives of FKH Unud. This opening activity was followed by the introduction of FKH leaders, including the Dean, Deputy Deans I, II, III, Head of Study Program, Director of RSH, Head of Department, Head of LAB - UPIL, UP2M, UP3M, Teaching Farm, Head of TU, and Sub Coordinator.


When the opening was finished, the activity continued with the presentation by each speaker who was qualified in his field. The first material is "Introduction to the Veterinary Medicine Education System of FKH Unud", which was delivered by Prof. Dr. drh. I Nyoman Suartha, M.Sc., as the Dean of FKH Unud.

Moving on to the next material, AKBP drh. Ketut Gede Bumin Jaya, M.H., presented a material entitled "Life of the Nation, State, and Fostering Awareness of State Defense". Through his presentation, he reminded all students that awareness of defending the country must be instilled in all citizens to build the nation's deterrent power in facing threats that want to disrupt state sovereignty, territorial integrity, and national safety. AKBP drh. Ketut Gede Bumin Jaya, M.H., also explained about the example of implementing state defense on campus.

The PKKMB 2022 FKH UNUD activity was continued with the presentation of the third material, namely "The Role of Campuses in the Era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Motivation from Alumni" by Dr. drh. I Made Rai Yasa, M.P. Currently, he is an Associate Researcher and Head of AIAT Bali. Dr. drh. I Made Rai Yasa, M.P., explained that there are so many roles of a veterinarian for human life considering the large animal population and the vast land area in Indonesia itself. Given the wide job opportunities for veterinary graduates, ranging from independent practice, working in animal feed companies, entering politics, to becoming veterinarians in the TNI and POLRI, of course, makes us proud to be veterinarians.

Continued with the presentation of the next material which was delivered by the Functional Officer for Disaster Management and the Bali Province BPBD Preparedness Sub-Coordinator, Ida Bagus Gede Widnyana Putra, S.Kom, M.T., with the material "Risk Management, Disaster Response and Healthy Campus". This time, he explained about the geological conditions of the island of Bali, the potential for disasters in Bali, the definition and classification of disasters, as well as pre-disaster management. In addition, Ida Bagus Gede Widnyana Putra, S.Kom, M.T., also explained the three pillars of the education unit and what are the indicators of a healthy campus program.

The material presentation session was finished, the PKKMB activity was continued with “Isbama” (break, pray, and eat), where the participants would worship according to their respective beliefs and were facilitated by the committee to worship. After finishing worship, all participants returned to their respective rows. After that, the committee distributed the consumption to the participants.

After “Isbama”, enter the PA introduction session and leadership discussion by the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning, Dr. drh. I Gusti Ngurah Sudisma, M.Sc. After that, participants were invited to practice using and filling in SIMAK data directed by Dewa Aries Prabowo Awanda P, S.Kom. The next activity, participants were mobilized to the Unud FKH Building to be introduced to the existing rooms and facilities.

The first day of the PKKMB 2022 FKH Unud activity was closed by singing the Mars FKH Unud song together which ended with Vetro's greetings of love. After that, the MC closed the event and all participants were invited to go home and rest so they could prepare for the second day of PKKMB.

PKKMB activities will continue until August 11, 2022. On this 2nd day, the new students gathered again in the Meeting Room, 4th Floor of Student Center Building, Udayana University. Where new students are asked to listen to the material that will be presented and the introduction of organizations in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University.

The first material was presented by Dr. drh. Hapsari Mahatmi, M.P., with material on student character development so that they have an attitude as intellectual and anti-violence (anti-bullying). She gives directions to be open with lecturers about the problems that are being experienced by students so that they can be helped. Then directing students to be able to protect themselves from acts of sexual harassment. Don't be afraid if what you're doing is right. Inviting students to be more confident in themselves and build good character. For students who have problems in lectures, they can contact her personally.

Next, the discussion about IMAKAHI was presented by Giovani Owen Girsang, who was the representative of the IMAKAHI members. An explanation of what the work program is like is carried out. Then, the members at IMAKAHI come from various students from all veterinary faculties at universities in Indonesia.

The next material is sharing with alumni about how important it is for a student to join an organization in FKH Unud. Because from an organization, we will be taught to practice a responsibility in carrying out tasks and increase a relationship with other people. In addition, it also trains to dare to appear in front of many people.

Furthermore, the introduction of the organization or senate from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University, namely LPM SS which was presented by Anisa as general leader, DPM represented by Surya, and BEM represented by Marta. Not to forget, the next activity is to explain the interests and talents found in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University which can be followed by students.

The next event is a games session that can be followed by all PKKMB participants. Then, it was continued with the most awaited part, namely the performance of the chants that had been prepared by the PKKMB FKH Unud 2022 participants. Each group was asked to come forward one by one according to the group called. All participants seemed very enthusiastic in presenting the chants from their respective groups. After finishing the performances of the entire group, continued with the reading of the winners of the chants.

During the implementation of the PKKMB activities of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University, there were obstacles that needed to be faced, namely the distance from the gathering line to the PKKMB location because new students gathered in the parking building of Udayana University, Sudirman Campus. Then, another obstacle is that the Student Center room does not have air conditioning which makes things hot and the toilet is broken, so the participants who want to go to the toilet must first go down to the next building.

Despite all the obstacles that occurred, the 2022 PKKMB of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University has run well and smoothly. It is hoped that with this activity, new students can understand and recognize their new environment, especially the organization and structure of higher education, learning systems, and student affairs at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University.

Writers: Wanda and Stevanny