Three Days of Service through Veterinary Work Lecture XXXVII FKH Unud 2025
The XXXVII Veterinary Work Lecture (KKV) of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Udayana University (FKH Unud) was successfully held this year with three series of activities, namely the initial gathering, debriefing, and the summit day of activities. The debriefing of the XXXVII Veterinary Work Lecture (KKV) was held on Saturday, January 7, 2025, in the Nusantara Room Lt. 4, Agrokompleks Building, Udayana University, Sudirman Campus. The debriefing activity was attended by the Vice Dean III of FKH Unud, Supervisors, and Speakers of KKV XXXVII Debriefing Activity of FKH Unud, as well as the leaders of each FKH Udayana University Student Senate.
After being officially opened by the Vice Dean III of FKH Unud, Dr. drh. I Wayan Sudira, M.Si., the debriefing event continued with the introduction of 12 supervisors for each group. Furthermore, 167 participants followed the delivery of the first material by Prof. Dr. drh. Nyoman Sadra Dharmawan, M.S., with the title “How to Communicate with the Public”. He emphasized that effective communication is needed for veterinarians in carrying out their profession.
As a supporting activity for participants in completing the Student Creativity Program (PKM), this year’s KKV also invited one of the Udayana University students who won the 37th National Student Scientific Week Favorite Champion, I Komang Chandra Yogananda, to fill the sharing session. The activity continued with the delivery of the third material by Duwi Fitri and Putu Eka Wahyu Cahyawan related to the profile and potential of Dawan Kaler and Dawan Kelod Villages which will be used as a place for the Summit Day of KKV XXXVII FKH Unud 2025. The enthusiasm of the participants was very visible during the discussion session of the three materials presented.
The Chairperson of KKV XXXVII FKH Unud 2025, Arine Rayka Khaniya, hopes that this debriefing activity can provide a spirit of devotion in animal services so that it can become a foundation for a bright future for prospective veterinarians. Rayka in her report said that this year’s KKV activities received funds of around Rp77.000.000,00 obtained from fundraising, sponsorship, and participant registration fees.
The Summit Day of the KKV XXXVII FKH Unud 2025 was then held on Saturday-Monday, January 11-13, 2025 in Dawan Village, Klungkung District, Klungkung Regency, Bali Province. Before heading to the location of the activity, participants gathered at the Dean’s Building of FKH Unud, Jimbaran Campus, then left for Dawan Village, Klungkung District, using a bus at 08.30 Wita. The opening ceremony was attended by Vice Deans I and III of FKH Unud, Supervisors of KKV XXXVII FKH Unud 2025, Junior Expert Veterinary Medic from the Klungkung Regency Agriculture Office, and Dawan Village. In her remarks, Junior Expert Veterinary Medic from the Klungkung Regency Agriculture Office, drh. Nyoman Adiyani, hoped that the livestock data collection carried out by the participants would later help the local office to know the exact number of livestock populations in Dawan Kaler and Kelod Villages, so that it could be used as a reference in monitoring animal diseases.
After a lunch break, participants were briefed by their supervisors and the village to conduct livestock visits at 9 points. Different from the previous year, the livestock visits this time were more varied. Starting from chicken farms, pigs, goats, and even bees, also became the livestock visit point of KKV XXXVII FKH Unud 2025. Participants were divided into several departure groups and went directly to their respective livestock visit points. The series of activities on the first day of KKV XXXVII FKH Unud 2025 ended with a discussion of the Student Creativity Program (PKM) which was also accompanied by each group supervisor.
On the second day, the series of activities began with a morning exercise session attended by all participants. This was followed by animal data collection and village exploration across nine hamlets in Dawan Kaler and Dawan Kelod Villages: Banjar Kayehan, Banjar Sangging, Banjar Pande, Banjar Pasekan, Banjar Tengah, Banjar Giri Kesuma, Banjar Metulis, Banjar Sengguan, and Banjar Dlod Buug. Participants successfully recorded 771 livestock in Dawan Kaler Village and 8,910 livestock in Dawan Kelod Village, which included chickens, cattle, pigs, and pets (dogs). Subsequently, participants engaged in an outbound activity featuring several team games to foster a sense of kinship and cooperation among cluster members. Furthermore, the final evening of KKV XXXVII FKH Unud 2025 was enlivened with a gathering night and art performances by each cluster.
In ending the activities of KKV XXXVII FKH Unud 2025, the third day was filled with a closing ceremony which was attended by the Dean of FKH Unud, Supervisors of KKV XXXVII FKH Unud 2025, Head of Animal Husbandry and Animal Health Division of Klungkung Regency Agriculture Office, and Perbekel Dawan Kaler Village. In his closing remarks, the Dean of FKH Unud, Prof. Dr. drh. I Nyoman Suartha, M.Si., hopes that this activity can provide experience for participants so that later they can work professionally.
After the closing ceremony, participants prepared for their return and performed the flash mob that had been prepared, then traveled back to the Dean’s Building of FKH Unud, Jimbaran Campus, at 11:30 Wita. Although heavy rain poured almost for three full days, participants still followed the course of the activity with enthusiasm.
Author : Kania LPM SS
Editor : Gita LPM SS