Capaian Kinerja Fakultas
Report on Performance Achievement Results of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine based on the Performance Agreement of the Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine with the Chancellor of Udayana University, where the points proposed by the Dean of FKH have been approved by the Chancellor of UNUD.
The Dean's Performance Achievements are reported every 3 months, using Key Performance Indicators consisting of:
[KPI 1.1] Percentage of S1 and D4/D3/D2 graduates who succeeded in getting a job, continuing their studies or becoming entrepreneurs
[KPI 1.2] Percentage of undergraduate and D4/D3/D2 students who spent at least 20 (twenty) credits outside campus, or achieved the lowest achievement at national level
[KPI 2.1] Percentage of lecturers who carry out tridharma activities on other campuses, in QS100 by field of science (QS100 by subject), work as practitioners in the industrial world, or develop students who have achieved the lowest achievements at national level in the last 5 (five) years
[KPI 2.2] Percentage of permanent lecturers with doctoral academic qualifications, having competency/professional certificates recognized by industry and the world of work, or coming from professional practitioners, the industrial world or the world of work
[KPI 2.3] Number of research outputs and community service that have successfully received international recognition or been implemented by the community per number of lecturers
[KPI 3.1] Percentage of Undergraduate and D4/D3/D2 Study Programs that collaborate with partners
[KPI 3.2] Percentage of undergraduate and D4/D3/D2 courses that use the case method or team-based project learning method as part of the evaluation weight
[KPI 3.3] Percentage of undergraduate and D4/D3/D2 study programs that have international accreditation or certificates recognized by the government
[KPI 4.1] Average minimum work unit budget absorption is 94%
[KPI 4.2] The minimum percentage of PNBP receipts outside UKT is 20%